#1 VSL Advertiser Reveals His Secrets To Doubling The Most Amount of Money You've Ever Made in a Month with VSLs
Here's What You Get:
✅ VSL Masterclass 2023 by Peter Kell (all the lessons I've learned to hit $100,000 - $250,000 per day over 365 times)
✅ Neville's Ultimate Manifestation Technique (same trick I used to manifest my relationship with Mindvalley. Perfect for when manifestation is the ONLY way you're going to get out of a hairball situation and into the life of your dreams)
✅ VSL Storyboarding Formula (Begin to develop BANGER VISION that lets you see multi-million dollar campaigns)
✅ The Kindergarten Simple Pitch Worksheet (make your VSL pitch & big idea easy to understand so everyone wants to buy)
✅ The Ultimate VSL Close (the secret to hyper-scale is Maximizing AOV. The secret to AOV happens BEFORE someone buys. Follow this close to inspire greater sales)
✅ VSL for Brands (Dont f*ck this up if you are trying to build a brand that people buy from over and over again)
✅ Big Idea Masterclass (watch as I break down the big ideas of all the biggest campaigns on the internet)
✅ The Lead Bible (use this to easily write multiple banger leads for your VSLs to keep them lasting over and over again)
✅ Celebrities and Deal Structures (how to find and approach your own authority figure for your brand and what kind of deal to structure them)
✅ VSL Editing Playbook (avoid these mistakes or watch your ROI plummet)
✅ Upsell Secrets (breaking down the post purchase formulas from 10 of the biggest direct response brands online)
✅ and much much more!!!

Todd makes $40,000,000/yr with VSLs and Flies Helicopters Around Glacier Packed Mountain Tops in Canada just for FUN!
Marek learned VSLs and pulled in $9,174,733.39 in 5 Months!!!!!!!